
Remember the post where I basically told you that Addi was potty-training herself? And then I said my goal was to have no kids in diapers during the day by 2011?

Well, it’s 2011.

Addi is still in diapers, but she is MOSTLY in pull-ups during the day. And she is making a TON of progress. Ms. Norma actually told us that she is the easiest baby she’s ever had to potty train in all of her years of daycare/potty-training!

*SCORE*… what is it with us competitive mothers?

So we’re still working on it, but she is amazing us with her advanced potty-training skillzzzz.

The other resolution I made for the year is something small, but something I can control.

I have made my bed everyday since 01/01/11! Let me get something straight before you judge me for not making my bed before that… I used to be a chronic-bed-making addict. I made our bed EVERYDAY (before kids) and if it didn’t get made in the morning, I would make it seconds before we climbed into it. My hubby never thought it made sense to make it at night, but it made sense to me.

Once we started cranking kids out like a factory and we both continued to work full-time, the bedmaking got put on the backburner. It’s driven me crazy and although I lived with it, I hate getting into an unmade bed. Ugh, the sheets just feel all wrong.

So I’m back on the bed-making bandwagon and this one small commitment is bringing some order back into my life.

Oh, tightly-tucked sheets and precise pillow placement, how I’ve missed thee!

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